0.1.7 Update - New Enemies and Scores!


Main additions:

  • Horned Imp - a new enemy that charges at the player, knocking back everything that stands in this way
  • Wolfheads - also a new enemy that that has 3 wolf heads chained together that will try to attack the player!
  • Score system - every run now has a score attributed by certain actions! If enough score is accumulated the experience rank is increased and a meta currency, which can be used to unlock new weapons, is awarded

When playing my game, I realised that there was not enough enemy variety for the amount of time the player would spend in this level, so I decided to fix that. Also after consideration it seems that getting the Artifact Essence, the currency for unlocking new weapons, was too hard to get, so I decided to fix that by adding a scoring system, which will give a score to the player at the end of every run, which as mentioned in the bullet point, will lead to rewards!


LurkingBehind-0_1_7_0.exe 169 MB
9 days ago
LurkingBehind-0_1_7_0.x86_64 175 MB
9 days ago

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